Employees of PAC Doverie underwent training for responding to an oncoming stroke

Employees of PAC Doverie underwent training for responding to an oncoming stroke, which is the most significant disease in Bulgaria and the number one cause of death, with statistical indicators far exceeding those in other European countries. Annually, over 45,000 new cases are registered in Bulgaria, and more than 1,5 million Bulgarians are directly or indirectly affected.


As a socially responsible company and partner of the Association for Stroke and Aphasia, PAC Doverie supported the initiative for raising public awareness by educating its employees about the highest risk factors, prevention, and immediate actions to be taken at the onset of the first symptoms to ensure better recovery chances for the affected individual. 


According to statistics, strokes are no longer exclusive to the elderly. They occur increasingly often among younger people as well. Additionally, in Bulgaria, the incidence rate among women surpasses that of men after the age of 55. 


The algorithm for recognizing stroke symptoms is called FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Time).  


Corners of the mouth – In a stroke, one side does not lift and there is a visible distortion. 


Arms – In a stroke, the person cannot lift one arm, or lifts it slowly and it starts to fall. 


Speech difficulty – In a stroke, the person slurs their speech, speaks slowly, mixes up words, and has difficulty responding. 


At these symptoms, you must immediately call 112 to summon an ambulance to transport the patient to an appropriate medical facility. The quicker the response, the greater the chances for recovery.