Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie

The Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie provides an opportunity for long-term individual savings to people over 16 years of age. It also allows employers to implement a modern and forward-looking human resources policy by providing their employees with a third supplementary pension.

By the end of the third quarter of 2024, the customers of the Fund were 139 625 people - with personal contributions, employer contributions or contributions from another insurer, representing a market share of 21,89%.
The assets under management are BGN 187 687 thousand, representing a market share of 12,39%.

Investment results

The Fund's assets are invested in accordance with the approved investment policy at moderate to moderately high levels of risk.

The units value is in BGN.  




Rights of insured in VPF Doverie

Insurance in Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie entitles to:


(a) the heirs of an insured person or a pensioner;

(b) beneficiaries.

  • a one-off or deferred payment of the accumulated amount in the individual account or part of them to an insured person;
  • a one-off or deferred payment of funds to:

(a) the heirs of an insured person or a pensioner;

(b) beneficiaries. 


Persons who have acquired the right to a pension can choose a one-off or deferred payment of the funds instead of receiving a pension.


Persons who have accumulated funds from personal contributions can request a one-off or deferred payment of these funds, at any time and before the occurrence of the specified insurance events.


Specific rights of insured in VPF Doverie 

According to the Rules on the organization and activity of Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie, the insured in the fund are entitled to:


  • Free and unlimited access to the status of their individual account;
  • Accurate, up-to-date, and understandable information about their rights and obligations, provided in a manner chosen by them;
  • Choosing and changing the method of receiving information from the fund;
  • Reports and complaints about errors, omissions and violations in the activities of insurance intermediaries and employees.


The members of VPF Doverie can take full advantage of the customer service programs of the Company.


Information on amendments and additions to the Rules on the organization and activity of the Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie is announced in the newspapers "24 hours" and "Bulgaria Today". Information on the adoption of a new investment policy or amendment thereof is published in the newspapers "24 hours" and "Bulgaria Today".



The fees charged by Pension Assurance Company Doverie aim to stimulate long-term savings:

In case of insurance with monthly or periodic contributions - a deduction from each contribution is levied, as follows:

4 per cent - up to and including 24 contributions;

3.50 per cent - from 25 up to and including 48 contributions;

3.25 per cent - from 49 up to and including 96 contributions;

3.00 per cent - over 96 contributions.

In case of insurance with one-off contribution - a deduction from each contribution is levied in the following amount:

4 per cent for insurance contributions up to and including BGN 1 000;

3.5 per cent for contributions from BGN 1 001 up to and including BGN 5 000;

2.5 per cent for contributions over BGN 5 000, but not more than BGN 500.

In case of monthly contributions from an employer or from the persons referred to in Article 8(3) and (4) of the Rules on the Organisation and the activity of the Voluntary Pension Fund, regardless of the number of contributions, the amount of the fee shall be:

3.25 per cent - for up to and including 1 000 employees;

1.90 per cent - for over 1 000 employees;

1.75 per cent – for over 2 000 employees.

For persons who are also insured in the General or Professional pension fund managed by PAC Doverie, the amount of the fees under para. 1-3 shall be reduced by 15 per cent.

Investment fee in the amount of 9.0 percent of the realized income from investing the funds of VPF Doverie;

A fee of 10 per cent of the amount withdrawn, however not exceeding than BGN 20, shall be collected in case of full or partial withdrawal of funds from the individual account before the occurrence of an insured event.


The transfer of funds from Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie to a voluntary pension fund managed by another pension insurance company is free of charge.

No entry fee.

Free of charge provision of information.

The fee from each insurance contribution is not charged on:

  • funds transferred from a voluntary pension fund managed by another pension insurance company or from one account of the VPF to another;
  • a one-off personal insurance contribution from funds paid to an insured person in the cases referred to in Article 50, para. 1(1) and (2) of the Rules on the organisation and activity of the Professional Pension Fund Doverie and Art. 50, para. 1(1) of the Rules on the organisation and activity of the General Pension Fund Doverie; 
  • a one-off personal contribution equal to one-off amount from the personal contributions, paid by the voluntary pension fund, and deposited within two years from the date of payment;
  • one-off personal insurance contribution by persons referred to in Article 43, para. 1, items 1 - 4, under art. 50, para. 1, item 3 of the Rules on the organisation and the activity of Professional Pension Fund Doverie and under art. 50, para. 1 (2) of the Rules on the organisation and the activity of the General Pension Fund Doverie in an amount equal to the part of the funds on the individual account due to an insured person or a pensioner.


The withdrawal fee shall not be charged when the insured person withdraws or transfers the funds accumulated in the individual account because he/she disagrees with the amendments or supplements to the Rules, due to the reorganization or termination of Pension Assurance Company Doverie or the Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie or by the heirs of an insured person or a pensioner.

Calculators VPF

Вид вноска VPF:




Custodian bank

United Bulgarian Bank AD

IBAN of the bank account of Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie to which you can transfer the contributions related to the supplementary voluntary pension insurance:

Bank: UBB


IBAN: BG04UBBS84231012266513

Account holder: Voluntary Pension Fund Doverie 


Board of Trustees of VPF Doverie 


Contact details: Sofia 1113, Izgrev borough, 13B, Tintiava Street, entrance A, 7th floor, tel. +359 2 46 46 173, e-mail: head@poc-doverie.bg

Advisory Council of VPF Doverie


    Chairperson, representative of the assured persons, tel.: +359 2 46 46 173


    Deputy Chairperson, representative of the assurer Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD


    Representative of the insurer Kaolin AD


    Representative of the insurer Popovo Municipality


    Representative of the insurer KCM 2000 AD


    Representative of the insured persons


    Representative of the insured persons


    Representative of pensioners


    Representative of Pension Assurance Company Doverie AD