PAC Doverie's team ennobled part of the area around Pancharevo Lake
As part of its annual "Social Active Day" initiative, the PAC Doverie's team cleaned and ennobled the area around the fishpond near Pancharevo Lake, as well part of the alley between the hydroelectric power station "Kokalyane" and the dam wall.
Thanks to the efforts of more than 250 employees of the Company and their relatives from all over the country, the meadow known as Pishmana Beach was cleaned and the concrete barriers around it were painted, as well as the railings of the bridge to the main alley.
The asphalted way between the hydroelectric power station "Kokalyane" and the dam wall was cleaned of overhanging bushes and the stone curbs at its end - of overgrown grass.
Wooden benches and tables, a donation from PAC Doverie, were also placed on the cleaned and improved meadow, to ensure a pleasant time and rest for the hundreds of visitors to this beautiful place.
A signboard was also put up with brief information about the area, the construction of the dam set and the rowing facility, as well as about the species of fish inhabiting the lake.
The initiative, which went under the title: "Kindness is the only investment that never fails", is part of the Company's corporate social responsibility policy and was carried out with the support of the local administration of Pancharevo District.